What to expect from therapy
Deciding to start a therapy can be a difficult decision. The journey of self-improvement is not easy, as comfortable patterns and behaviours are analysed and challenged to create a better balance. Knowing what’s going to happen at the psychologist’s office can make your journey more comfortable.
The aim of the first session is for you and your therapist to get to know each other, for your counsellor to understand what you would like to change and learn more about why you’re looking for help now. Your therapist will guide you through what you can expect, the length and the frames of the therapy. You will also talk about what you need to do, to make the therapy effective. You will discuss confidentiality, different policies, and get your other questions answered. At this point you can decide whether the method and the therapist suits you and your problem.
If you decide to start the therapy, your therapist will assist you in determining your goals and in making a plan to achieve those together. After you have set the focus of the therapy the self improvement journey begins. In order for therapy to be effective it is important for you to be open-minded, to be willing to try new methods, and to be dedicated to the scheduled treatment. You will be the leader of the conversations, the therapist will follow your lead and will walk alongside you, at your pace, with guidance and support.