Kata Polányi–Borsós
Psychologist, couple and family therapist and sexual psychologist candidate
I graduated at the University of Eötvös Loránt as a psychologist specialized in counseling and education psychology. During my studies it was really important to me to get to know a wide range of the different fields in psychology. As a result I worked as a trainee at many different places: at the Psychiatry of Péterfy Hospital, at an adoption agency, in the business world and I was the leader of EFPSA (European Federation of Psychology Students Association) for a year. These experiences helped me to find the area that is really my passion: working with healthy adults on making their life more fulfilling. I currently work as a counsellor and therapist with individuals, couples, families and groups.
I believe that everybody has the potential to live a full and happy life. As a therapist my job is only to help them find and utilize these inner resources. I believe in the power of personal relations and tailor made development and I would like to create value with my work.
I first learnt about couple and family therapy at university and I fell in love with it’s methodology and philosophy instantly. I find it’s system focused approach really effective because it enables me as a therapist to create real and sustainable changes in the behaviour, relationship of my clients. My favourite research topic in this field is relationship satisfaction and the prevention of harmful relationship patterns. I wrote my university thesis in the correlation between dominance patterns and relationship satisfaction.
15.000 FT / session
15.000 FT / session
26.000 FT / session
15.000 FT / session